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The Student Center is the hub of campus activity. With over 1.5 million visitors each year, the building is always buzzing with activity. Students from all majors, staff from all departments, and members of the community pass through our doors each day. If you’re looking to get your message across to the broader Temple community, you found the right place!

Digital Signage

Temple University student organizations, departments, and offices, are eligible to promote activities, events, and other university-related messages on the electronic displays located in the Student Center, one of the busiest buildings on campus.

Submit your ad for Digital Signage display


  • Temple Student Orgs & Departments - Free
  • Non-Temple Clients - $75

Digital Signage Guidelines: 

  • Name of sponsoring organization must be clearly stated on each slide.
  • Slides making references to the consumption of alcohol or those that are sexually explicit will not be approved. Advertising of tobacco products is prohibited.
  • Approval for display will not be granted for those slides that promote anything in violation of Temple University policies and procedures.
  • Slides will not be displayed using the words SAC or Student Activity Center.
  • Slides should be landscape in orientation and sent as a JPEG or PDF.
    • Ideally, slides should be set up as a wide format PowerPoint (16:9) and saved out to be sent as a JPEG or PDF.
Atrium Poster Display

Student organizations and departments are eligible to submit posters to be displayed in the Atrium underneath the Jumbotron. To submit a poster for display, please fill out the following form. Once you have submitted the form, please drop off your poster at the Information Desk for approval.  

Atrium Poster Request Form

All posters in the Atrium must be:

  • Sized 30"x40".

  • Mounted on foam board.

  • Portrait orientation.

  • Include date, time, location, and name of sponsoring organization.

  • Contain no reference to drugs, alcohol, or sexually explicit content.

  • No use of the term SAC instead of Student Center.

  • No alternation of the Temple T or Temple logo.


The Student Center has nine bulletin boards throughout the building to display flyers for events across campus and also approves flyers to be posted around campus. Check out our approved posting locations!

Flyer Approval Process:

  •  All flyers should be brought to the Office of Student Center Operations, in Suite 219M of the Student Center (open M-F 8:30am-5pm). 
  • Be sure to bring a copy to submit and a copy to have stamped for duplication.
  • If all of your flyers are already printed, be sure to bring all copies you would like to post so they can be stamped.