
All capacities are a basic framework - the addition of staging, food service, extra tables or other furniture will decrease the amount of space available for guests.

For more information about specific room capacities, special set-ups, or other special needs, please contact the Event Services office via email or phone.

Event costs are established either at event planning meetings or at the time of confirmed requests.  Those events considered complex require a planning meeting and all costs will be shared as part of the event planning process.

External organizations should contact the Event Services team for more info on event costs and special event planning. Typical costs include items such as:

  • Room Rental
  • Police or security
  • Linen
  • Housekeeping
  • Student Center Staff
  • Food Service
  • Special Technology

If additional services are requested, or damages are found related to your event or program, post-event costs will be discussed, confirmed, and billed.

Please connect with event management staff or download our Planning Guide via the link located at the bottom of the page for more information about hosting an event on campus.

Room Capacities and Rates
Room Capacities and Rates
Room #LectureBanquetOtherSq. FootageExternal Non-ProfitExternal For-Profit
HGSC 20066040008391$600$1000
HGSC 200A1408002035$225$375
HGSC 200B1508002086$225$375
HGSC 200C33016004270$225$375
HGSC 200AB32518004130$300$500
HGSC 200BC42524006360$450$750
HGSC 20520000$75$125
HGSC 20600150$75$125
HGSC 20700150$75$125
HGSC 21733020003570$300$500
HGSC 217A70400892$120$200
HGSC 217B70400890$120$200
HGSC 217C70400896$120$200
HGSC 217D70400892$120$200
HGSC 217AB1409001782$225$375
HGSC 217CD1409001788$225$375
HGSC 22050300707$120$200
HGSC 22350300706$120$200
HGSC 367A0000$75$100
HGSC Underground25015004310$500$750
HGSC Lower Atrium0000$250$400
HGSC Cinema150001952$300$500
HGSC South Lobby0000$300$500
Mitten Hall Great Court65040000$600$1000
HGSC Breezeway0000$300$500
Mitten Hall 25000540$120$200
Morgan D30124012002680$300$500
Morgan S25120N/A200$120$200
Morgan S25220N/A200$120$200
Morgan S25300220$120$200
Morgan S25400260$120$200
Bell Tower0000$500$900
Ritter Quad0000$400$750
Alumni Circle0000$250$450
Liacouras Walk0000$250$450
Requesting Meeting and Event Space

For all External/ non-Temple clients looking for space, please fill out our request form HERE.  All requests are subject to approval. 

You will receive a notification that your event is “tentative”, meaning it is not confirmed nor denied. Requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis and are typically confirmed in 2-3 business days. Once the details of your event have been reviewed by our staff you will receive confirmation, declination, or additional questions via email. 

Please note, we process hundreds of event requests each week for our spaces so please be prepared to be flexible - you might have to change your time or location to get a time or space that works. 

There are a variety of room sizes, shapes, and types, please consider your event needs as you make your request.  We may ask you follow-up questions, so please pay attention to your email for those from our team. 

Simple Events  - A simple event only requires an empty room or chairs with the built-in technology. 

Complex Events – A Complex event require a setup that includes tables and chairs, advanced technology, food, or anything other than what is built into the space. 

  • Complex or special requests require a minimum of 20 business days to process completely so please plan ahead. 

  • For complex or special events, an event planning meeting is required - you may contact the office to schedule the meeting once you receive your confirmation. Your confirmation will also include event planning details. 

  • Planning meetings must take place no later than two weeks prior to your event to finalize all the details. 

Insurance Requirement

You are required to complete a Facility Use Agreement and provide insurance for your event (coverage for $1,000,000) Due no less than 3 weeks before the event. 

Cancellation Policy

Simple Events - A simple event only requires an empty room or chairs with the built-in technology.  

  • Must be canceled 3 business days before the event 

  • If cancelled less than 3 business days before the event the room rate will be charged for the late cancelation.  


Complex Events – A Complex event require a setup that includes tables and chairs, advanced technology, food, or anything other than what is built into the space.  

  • Event must be cancelled one month in advance to avoid late cancelation fee 

  • Less than one month before the event but more than 10 business days before the event will be charged the room rate for the late cancelation. 

  • Room rate = Deposit (due one month before the event) 

  • If cancelled less than 10 business days before the event 50% of the total cost will be charged for the late cancelation.  

  • Some services may not be able to be canceled and could result in the full fee charged.  


If you have any questions, please contact us at 215-204-7132 or by email at screserv@temple.edu. 

Minors on Campus

The following information is for non-Temple organizations or individuals who host any activity, program or camp only. Individuals who are employed by or affiliated with the university (e.g., alumni, coaches) shall be considered external groups if they seek to use buildings or facilities in an individual capacity or as representative of a third-party organization. 


All programs or activities involving minors on Temple’s campus must ensure their programs are run consistently with Temple University’s Policy on the Safety of Minors (PDF). The policy includes requirements relating to reporting suspected abuse or neglect of minors, registering programs, completing relevant online training, and undergoing background checks.  


All contracts for the use of university facilities (Facilities Use Agreement (PDF)) by outside parties for programs involving minors must reference the requirements for program registration and background checks. External program coordinators will work with their Temple contact to complete Temple’s Facilities Use Agreement.  


Once the registration is completed, the external program must submit the names of those working or volunteering with their program and the three required clearances.   

The required clearances are listed below.  

Pennsylvania Criminal History Record (PATCH)   

Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance  

Federal criminal history record    


Per Pennsylvania’s Child Protective Services Law, required clearances are valid for 60 months (five years) and must be renewed prior to the expiration date to remain valid. For information regarding required background checks, please visit Pennsylvania’s Department of Human Services website.  


Temple’s Policy on the Safety of Minors (PDF) requires all covered programs to be registered at least 60 days prior to the first scheduled date of participation by minors. External programs must complete all requirements of Temple’s Policy on the Safety of Minors. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in cancellation of their program, camp or activity.