Student Commencement Speaker Competition

The Student Commencement Speaker is a proud tradition of Temple University. During the spring semester a graduating senior is selected to address all graduates at the Main Campus University Commencement Exercises. The honor is among the highest distinctions a student can receive.


Important Dates

Feb. 28

Student Commencement Speaker application deadline

May 7

Temple University's 138th Commencement ceremony

Criteria to apply

The Student Commencement Speaker will be selected based on the following criteria:

  1. Graduating Senior (August 2024  January 2025, or May 2025) with a minimum GPA of 3.00.
  2. Is a representative of the graduating class who has made a constructive social and/or educational impact on the Temple University community.
  3. Is skilled in public speaking and able to capture the celebration of this capstone event within the time allowed (2-3 minutes).

Application Process

The applicant must:

  • Complete an application form.
  • Submit a written proposed 2-3 minute speech.
  • Submit a one-page personal statement. Provide information about yourself (academic awards, membership in student organizations & honor societies, community service & involvement, career goals) as well as your reason for wishing to represent your class as the Student Commencement Speaker.
  • Submit a resume.

Please submit your application with all the required materials to the link below. Only one submission per student is allowed, so you should make sure to thoroughly review all of your materials prior to submitting.  

Selected applicants will be required to present their speeches to the Student Commencement Speaker Selection Committee (comprised of fellow students and selected faculty members). Once chosen, the student speaker will work with the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs to rehearse the speech in preparation for Commencement.


The deadline has been extended to Friday, February 28, 2025.

We want to ensure that all students are able to fully participate in this selection process. If you have any concerns or require accommodations, please contact Student Affairs at .

A graduation speaker in a cap and gown gestures at a podium, with flowers in the foreground and a "TIME TO FLY!" banner above.

2024 Student Commencement Speaker Journee Lutz

Photo by Betsy Manning