Our Housing Facilities team manages all maintenance and housekeeping services for all Temple-owned housing facilities.
The best way to start a request for service from the team is to enter a work order online here: SchoolDude Work Order System. You will use your Temple accessnet credentials to access the system, so work order requests must come from the student or another recognized member within the Temple community.
Services the Housing Facilities team provides or manages include:
- Housekeeping - our team of Service Staff clean all residence halls daily
- Preventative and Reactive Mainteance - we have skilled trades staff that provide services in the following specialties:
- Electrical
- Heating, Air Conditioning
- Locksmith
- Plumbing
- Caprentry
- Painting
- General Mainteance
- Project Management
- Building renovations and construction work
- Upgrades to finishes and fixtures
- Furniture for bedrooms and common spaces
- Dining hall preventative maintenance
- Mail/Delivery Services
- 3rd Party Contract Management
- Pest Control
- Major Mechanical Services and Repairs
- Windows and Doors
- Masonry and Concrete
Daytime telephone number: (215) 204-7110
E-mail: [click-for-email]