Before You Arrive

Move In Schedule

New students (first-year and transfer) living on campus will be permitted to move-in to their fall 2024 housing assignment from Tuesday, August 20 through Thursday, August 22, 2024.

Returning students will be permitted to move-in to their Fall 2024 housing assignment from Friday, August 23 - Saturday, August 24, 2024.

Specific details about move-in will be sent through e-mail in early July, 2024.  Students will be prompted to selected a Move-in appointment through the MyHousing portal to schedule their check-in time for the fall 2024 semester.  

For questions or concerns, students can contact or contact us via phone at (215) 204-7184, option #2.

Prior to arriving to campus, check out these articles with important move-in tips

Meeting Your Roommates Before Move-in

We strongly suggest you contact your roommate(s) before you arrive at Temple University. There are many things to discuss and coordinate, and living with a new person or group of people in a new place can present challenges. You and your roommates may become friends right away, or it may take some time. Getting a head start on that relationship can make things easier in late August.

8 Reasons to Contact Your Roommate Before Move-In

6 Habits to Follow for a Successful First Year wtih Your Roommate

Conversation Starters
The following are a few conversation starters that are helpful when you contact your new roommate(s):

About You

  • hometown, family life and friends
  • favorite school activities
  • intended major at Temple
  • whether you’re a morning person or a night owl
  • clean or cluttered
  • music, movie and TV preferences
  • willingness to loan things (such as computers, clothes, a car or money)
  • feelings about overnight guests
  • if you’re working during college
  • what you’re like when you’re feeling down
  • what amuses and annoys you
  • how you like to relax
  • what you’re like when you first meet people

Roommates will not agree on everything, and that is okay. Having a basic understanding of each other's needs helps build a foundation for a good year together. In fact, the university encourages residents to complete a roommate agreement within the first few days of moving on campus in an effort to establish a mutual consideration of roommate preferences. The Resident Assistants (RAs) on your hall may also help you and your roommates with the transition to university life. RAs are students who live with you in the residence halls at Temple and are trained to assist roommates with concerns or conflicts.

Despite all this preparation, keep in mind that sometimes room or roommate assignments change from your initial assignment through Move-in Weekend because of cancellations. Up-to-date assignments and roommate information is available on MyHousing. We encourage you to check the site throughout the summer for any changes.

What's In Your Room?

Every student is provided their own:

  • bed frame and mattress
  • dresser
  • desk and chair
  • closet or wardrobe

Other amenities include:

  • All windows have shades, curtains or blinds.
  • Student rooms are not carpeted.
  • Traditional and suite-style residence hall units are not equipped with cooking facilities. These locations will have common-area amenities such as kitchenettes with sinks, countertop space for preparation work, and microwaves and/or stove in an area accessible to all residents.
Bed Dimensions

The University has two standard-sized bed in its residence halls:

  • STANDARD TWIN bed - 75" by 39"
  • EXTRA-LONG bed - 80" by 39"

Bed sizes by buildings:

  • Residents of 1300 Residence Hall 1st through 3rd floors will have a STANDARD TWIN bed.  
  • Residents of 1300 Residence Hall 4th and 5th floors, 1940 Residence Hall, Morgan Hall, Johnson & Hardwick Halls, White Hall, or Temple Towers Apartments will have a EXTRA-LONG bed.

Rooms will have either the STANDARD TWIN or EXTRA-LONG beds.

Approximate Room Dimensions

Single Rooms

  • Single rooms are typically 8' x 10'.

Double Rooms and Suites

  • Double rooms or bedrooms in two- or four-person suites are between 10' x 12' and 12' x 14'.

Triple Rooms

  • Triple rooms are between 14' x 14' and 14' x 16'

Apartment Bedrooms

  • Bedrooms in apartment units vary between 10' x 10' and 12' x 16'

Apartment Living Rooms

  • Living rooms and dining areas in apartment units average 11' x 22'