Fire Safety

Each of our residence halls is equipped with a sprinkler system and building-wide fire-notification system. Additionally, any apartment-style room configuration, those featuring full-kitchens, will be equipped with a fire extinguisher.

Fire Evacuation Procedures
When a fire is discovered or smoke is seen/smelled, sound the building fire alarm. Know the location of the alarm signal stations nearest and how they operate. If needed, a stationed security officer will call Temple Police (1-1234) when an alarm is transmitted. Police dispatch will also be monitoring all alarms.

Once an alarm is activated, students must immediately evacuate the building using the nearest emergency exit and proceed to the building’s designated rally point. In the Morgan Complex students should follow the guidance of the emergency notification system on how to respond. 

Failure to evacuate the residence halls will result in disciplinary action.

University staff, TUPD, and/or emergency services will indicate when it is safe to re-enter the building. 

If you cannot evacuate the building due to a disability, please contact Disability Resources or TUPD to develop a personal safety plan for how to navigate emergencies on campus safely. 

Prohibited Behaviors/Items
Smoking, burning candles/incense, open heating elements, and certain appliances are prohibited in the residence halls to prevent fire emergencies. Please refer to the Community Living Standards for prohibited behaviors and items in the residence halls.

For additional information on Temple’s Fire Safety Initiatives, please refer to the Office of the Fire Marshal’s clicking here.