Morgan Hall

Morgan Hall

Morgan Hall is a 3-building complex featuring two residential housing buildings that house approximately 1,275 students and a 3-story dining facility.  Morgan Hall North is a 27-story tower and Morgan Hall South is a 10-story building.  Both buildings provide housing for students from first-year through senior level.  The rooms in both residence buildings are similar and offer 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom, and 3-bedroom apartments.  All living spaces in the Morgan complex have individual bathrooms for the occupant(s) of each apartment to use, and all units of the building have full kitchens that include:

  • an electric glass cooktop
  • a convection microwave oven
  • a full size refrigerator (mini refrigerators are provided in 1-bedroom apartments)

All spaces in Morgan North and South are heated and air conditioned, and students have controls in the room to raise or lower the termperature within a set range.

The Morgan complex buildings feature multiple lounge and study spaces for group gatherings and extra study space.  Also included throughout the building are laundry rooms, bike rooms, and TV/game spaces.  

Morgan Hall is known for providing incredible views of the Philadelphia skyline, Temple's main campus, and the Delaware Valley.

Front Desk Hours

  • Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.

  • Saturday and Sunday: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.; 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Front Desk Phone Numbers

Morgan North: (215) 777-3800

Morgan South: (215) 777-3900

Room Options

Morgan Hall Room options include:

  • 4 person, 2 bedroom apartment (double)

  • 5 person, 3 bedroom apartment (2 double bedrooms and one single bedroom)

  • 1 person, 1 bedroom (single)

  • 2 person, 1 bedroom (double)

Meet the Hall Staff

Morgan Hall North

Hunter A. Mountz (

Resident Director, Morgan Hall North


Paris Brown (

Resident Coordinator


Jeffrey Kunnel (

Resident Coordinator


Lisa Brice (

Front Desk Manager


Morgan Hall South

Bridget Zarych (

Resident Director, Morgan Hall South


Chhorravin Chhort (

Resident Coordinator


Yasmin Laguda (

Resident Coordinator


Sha'-Lee Bullock (

Front Desk Manager

Mailing Address Examples

Morgan Hall North:
Student Name
1601 N. Broad Street
Morgan North, Room #_____
Philadelphia, PA 19122

Morgan Hall South:
Student Name
1603. N. Broad Street
Morgan South, Room #_____
Philadelphia, PA 19122