Rights & Responsibilities

Each student living in our halls has the right to live in a space where they feel safe and secure. A place where they can be respected and grow as an individual. Our Student Conduct Code and Community Living Standards help ensure students' rights are being upheld. All students are held accountable to both the Temple Student Code of Conduct and the UHRL Community Living Standards and should be familiar with all policies.

Temple University’s Office of University Housing & Residential Life hall staff members includes Resident Directors, Front Desk Managers, Resident Coordinators, and Resident Assistants; they serve as tremendous resources and have been trained to assist you in a wide variety of situations. Our Hall staff will be discussing the wide range of opportunities available to you while you are living in University Housing. Please do not hesitate to contact them if you need assistance. We hope that your time with us will be enriching, and that we can support you in achieving your goals at Temple.

Important aspects of attending the university as a student are having respect for the rights of others in the community, conducting one’s self in a manner that is compatible with the university’s mission and taking responsibility for one’s actions. Responsibility for the enforcement of the rules of the university rests with all the members of the Temple community. University rules should serve as a guide for high personal standards.

Additional Residential Life Policies

Review this section for additional Residential Life Policies and Procedures

Common Area Posting Policy

You may post only the following types:

  • Flyer 8.5"w x 11"h
  • Digital Signage for the Res Hall TVs - 16:9 or widescreen PowerPoint slide - JPG or PNG only

Please complete the Common Area Posting Request Form and deliver it, along with your flyers to be posted, to the office of University Housing and Residential Life, located on the 3rd floor of 1910 Liacouras Walk. If request is approved, flyers will be stamped immediately and returned for delivery to the residence halls.

This policy was created to articulate University Housing & Residential Life’s guidelines for common area posting in Temple-owned and Temple-sponsored residence halls. Common area posting is defined as the display of any temporary informational or promotional materials on preapproved designated posting spaces. Posting materials may include: flyers, posters, digital signage, or poster board displays placed or affixed in a common area space for advertising scheduled meetings, events, programs, and activities.

University Housing & Residential Life (UHRL) residence halls are non-public areas of the campus. Postings are limited to those approved by the Director of Residence Life and/or their designee, including graduate-level employees. Approval depends on available space, which is determined on a first-come, first served basis.


  • Flyers/Posters/Digital Signage will be used only for events, meetings, programs, or activities sponsored by recognized Temple University student organizations or university departments. 
  • A posting request form and an original copy of the requested posting must be brought to the University Housing & Residential Life Office, located at 1910 Liacouras Walk, Suite 301, during business hours (Monday to Friday 9-5pm) or emailed to the posting policy email account at least ten (10) business days in advance of the desired posting date
  • All submissions must include the following information:
    • Name of the approved sponsoring student organization or university department
    • Date, time, and location of the event, meeting, program, or activity
    • Contact information of submitter (TUID number included)
    • Cost to attend the event, meeting, program, or activity, if applicable
  • Submissions promoting anything in violation of Temple University policies and procedures or any advertising which promotes illegal activities or illegal content will not be approved. Any submission for posting (flyers, digital signage, or poster board displays) may not use explicit language, including slurs or denigration of any groups or individuals, or make references to the use, sale, or consumption of alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana, be sexually explicit/suggestive, or promote illegal activities or illegal content. Approval of all postings shall be at UHRL’s sole discretion.
  • Specifics for types of posting:
    • Flyers: Flyers submitted should be no larger than 8 ½” x 11” in size. Upon approval, one copy will be returned with the UHRL stamp of approval and the individual(s) may duplicate and distribute the specific number of copies to each residence hall’s front desk so that they can be distributed to designated posting space in each residence hall. Only one poster or flyer for each event/initiative is allowed per board, regardless of board size.
    • 1300 – 2 flyers
    • 1940 – 2 flyers
    • James S. White Hall – 2 flyers
    • Johnson & Hardwick – 4 flyers
    • Morgan North – 2 flyers
    • Morgan South – 2 flyers
    • Podiatry – 2 flyers
    • Temple Towers – 2 flyers
  • Digital Signage:  One (1) slide per event may be submitted for approval sent to posting policy email account. Slides should be in the landscape orientation and sent as PNG (preferred) or JPG file format, RGB color code, 72DPI or under 2MB, 1980x1020px or 16:9 aspect ratio. PowerPoint slides are permitted but must be in widescreen not the traditional 4:3. sent to posting policy email account. Digital signage will be pre-programmed to run for the duration of the specific posting period. All messages will be transmitted via Microsoft PowerPoint slides.
  • Poster Board Displays: Poster board displays must go through either the Student Center or UHRL for approval. Posters must be on foam/corrugated board and no larger than 30” x 40”, portrait layout. 
  • All approved postings (flyers, digital signage, and poster board displays) will be displayed for a maximum period of two weeks before an event, and removed by UHRL staff the day after an event. Student organizations or university departments will have three (3) business days to claim the poster board displays before they are discarded. Digital signage will be pre-programmed with an end of display date.
  • Any attempt to alter materials after receiving the UHRL approval stamp may result in disciplinary action through the Student Conduct process.


  1. Non-Discrimination Policy: The university will not tolerate unlawful discrimination or harassment in the workplace, academic setting, or its programs or activities based on individual’s age, color, disability, marital status, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, or veteran status. This policy is intended to be consistent with applicable federal, state, and local laws and other university policies. This policy does not allow curtailment or censorship of constitutionally protected expression and will not be applied in a way that infringes upon an individual’s constitutional rights of freedom of expression. 
  2. The Director of Residence Life and/or their designee, including graduate-level employees, will check all submitted materials for grammar, language, and required information. An email will be sent to the individual(s) submitting the posting request informing them of approval or reason for denial and necessary changes for resubmission.
  3. University Housing & Residential Life will keep a scanned copy of the stamped flyer and completed posting request on file. 
  4. University Housing & Residential Life reserves the right to deny approval to any flyer, digital signage, or poster board display that violates the common area posting policy in any way.
  5. Print or digital postings will be posted in designated locations only. Digital signage and poster board displays are located in the lobby of each residence hall. Flyers will be posted in the preapproved designated posting spaces in each residence hall.
  6. Posting of any kind is strictly prohibited on the following areas in the residence halls. Any materials posted in these locations will be immediately removed.
    • Hallways
    • Glass windows
    • Elevators
    • Doors
    • Door windows
    • Stairs
    • Stairways
    • Security desks
    • Residence hall entrances
    • Restrooms
    • Laundry rooms
    • Vending machine rooms
    • Drywall surfaces 
  7. Residential Life staff will monitor residence halls for inappropriate usage. Anything that is posted in the preapproved designated posting spaces without the official UHRL stamp or is not posted in the designated posting areas will be immediately taken down and discarded. 
  8. Violation of the common area posting policy may result in disciplinary action through the Student Conduct process. 
Guest Policy

In accordance the University Housing & Residential Life Community Living Standards, below is important information related to the guest policy:

  • A resident is permitted up to 3 guests at one-time from 7:00AM- 3:00AM and no more than 1 overnight guest.
  • Guests are permitted to stay up to 2 consecutive nights and not more than 3 nights in a 7-day period.
  • Minors may only sign-in as a guest between the hours of 8:00AM-10:00PM. In accordance with the Temple University Policy on Safety of Minors, no overnight minor guests are permitted.
  • Residents must present and surrender their Guest Card each time they sign-in a guest(s) at the Security Desk. The Guest Card will be returned to the resident upon check out of the last guest. 
  • Residents must escort guest(s) and are responsible for guest behavior at ALL times.
  • Residents must present a Guest Card and/or Temple University Identification Card at the request of any Residential Life Staff Member and/or Security personnel.
  • Residents are responsible for the loss and/or misuse of their issued Guest Card. Alleged violations of the Guest Policy could result in loss of guest privileges for at least 2 weeks and/or additional disciplinary action.
  • Replacement Cost of a Guest Card is $20.00.
Room Decoration Policy

This policy was created to articulate University Housing & Residential Life’s guidelines for student room decorating in Temple-owned and Temple-sponsored residence halls. Room decorating is defined as students’ ability to create an environment that represents their personality and personal interests while being mindful of the impact on roommates, community members, and residential facilities.  For a more comprehensive list of prohibited items, please refer to the Community Living Standards.


Residence Hall Room Decorations

Students may decorate their individual residence hall rooms, provided that decorations adhere to the following guidelines. These expectations will help prevent rooms from being damaged, eliminate potential safety hazards, and ensure that the residential community remains inclusive.

  1. Students are permitted to hang posters, photos, artwork, and decorative lights in their residence hall rooms.  Please note, wall hangings made of burlap or any other flammable fabrics, tapestries, fish netting, etc are prohibited.
  2. Student decorations are permitted to cover a maximum of 50% of each wall in any room. If any wall is decorated or covered more than 50%, the student(s) will be asked to remove the necessary amount of decorations to comply with fire safety regulations. 
  3. Students are only allowed to use push pins in Johnson, Hardwick, Morgan North, Morgan South, and Temple Towers to hang items. Students are only allowed to use green painter’s tape in 1940, 1300, and James S. White Hall to hang items if not posting on the cork strips. Cork strips require push pins. 
  4. 3M adhesive devices, transparent tape, mounting tape, duct tape, masking tape, and packing tape are not permitted. 
  5. Students cannot apply paint, fixtures, or adhesive-backed items to any surface in the halls. 
  6. Students are not permitted to paint, install carpeting (area rugs are permitted), hang wallpaper, or apply contact paper or decals in their rooms, apartments, or common areas. 
  7. Students are not permitted to alter any university furniture in any way or hang items from ceilings, pipes, fire-safety equipment (sprinklers or smoke detectors), or overhead lighting.

Health and Safety Inspections occur once a semester in all residence hall rooms to ensure that rooms are safe and free of unapproved items. Residential Life staff will make the students aware of Health and Safety Inspections via communications such as floor meetings, email, and posting notice of inspection in hallways. 

Windows & Balconies

Posting, hanging, displaying signage, lighting, or any other materials in, on, or around the residence hall windows, on university window coverings, or common area windows is strictly prohibited. University window coverings (shades, blinds, etc.) need to be visible from the outside.

Inappropriate use of windows and balconies is prohibited, including opening or removing any security or regular screen or using any window or balcony as a means of entrance to or exit from a University Housing building, except in an emergency. Allowing any items to pass or throwing any items over the threshold of a window/balcony is strictly prohibited.  Internal balconies cannot be used as means to change floors, except in the event of an emergency. 

Door & Hallway Decorations

Students may decorate their residence hall room doors, provided that decorations adhere to the following guidelines. These expectations will help prevent hallways and doors from being damaged, eliminate potential safety hazards, and ensure that the residential community remains welcoming.

  1. Students are permitted to hang posters, photos, white/chalk boards, and artwork on their residence hall room doors
  2. Students can decorate up to 50% of their individual residence hall room doors. 
  3. Students may only use green painter’s tape on their doors to hang items. If any door is decorated or covered more than 50%, the student(s) will be asked to remove the necessary amount of decorations to comply with fire safety regulations.
  4. 3M adhesive devices, transparent tape, mounting tape, duct tape, masking tape, and packing tape are not permitted. 
  5. Students are prohibited from decorating their doors with decorative lights and materials that violate any Temple University policies and procedures or any advertising which promotes illegal activities or illegal content. Decorations may not use explicit language, including slurs or denigration of any groups or individuals, or make references to the use, sale, or consumption of alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana, be sexually explicit/suggestive, or promote illegal activities or illegal content. Students may not decorate the door frame or any walls/boards around their door in the hallway.
  6. Students are not permitted to post flyers, advertisements, or solicitations of any kind on their doors, windows, or any space outside of their rooms.
  7. Students are not permitted to decorate any hallway space. 

If any room, door, hallway, or window decoration violates the room decoration policy, a Resident Assistant will inform the student(s) that the decoration must be removed immediately. Failure to comply with the directions for removal may result in disciplinary action through the Student Conduct process. University Housing & Residential Life reserves the right to cover and/or remove items that violate the room decoration policy in any way.

Students will be charged for incurred damage to walls, doors, flooring, windows, furniture, appliances, and fixtures. 

Damages to a room or any extra required cleaning will be the responsibility of the student(s) and may result in a charge to the student(s) account(s) if it is left after all students have checked out. University Housing & Residential Life staff will determine the nature and extent of all damages. 

Solicitation Policy

Residence Hall Solicitation Policy
This policy was created to articulate University Housing & Residential Life’s expectation for solicitation in Temple-owned and Temple-sponsored residence halls. Solicitation is defined as any activity that seeks to make contact with residents to collect information, sell items, or gain support. 

Solicitation applies to a wide range of activities that may include: 

  • Advertising
  • Selling
  • Petitioning
  • Campaigning
  • Distributing flyers
  • Product promotions
  • Organizational recruitment
  • Student campaigning
  • Surveying residents by telephone, mail, e-mail, or in person 

To provide students with an environment that is free of unwanted personal solicitation for services or products, University Housing & Residential Life strictly prohibits all forms of solicitation in all residence halls. Outside vendors are prohibited from entering all residence halls. Outside vendors suspected of soliciting may be referred to Campus Safety Services, Office of University Counsel, and/or Business Services.

Section (w) of the Community Living Standards explicitly states that students are unable to contract with any vendor to provide service to individual student units within on-campus housing. This includes on or under student doors, in mailboxes, left in any common areas, entrances of the residence halls, or posted on any other common areas in the residence halls. Students are prohibited from advertising and promoting their products or services of any kind in the residence halls. Any student(s) suspected of soliciting may be referred to Campus Safety Services and/or Student Conduct for disciplinary action.